Ohh shit man, you just nailed it articulately what I have been perceiving for an age.

This afternoon I had my first conversation with a near neighbour whose ventures ( professional and social) are in the musical sphere. For context, he's mid twenties and I'm close to 60, anyway as we ( well, mainly me) dropped enquiring questions to the other in an attempt to put some colours on a blank persona. I asked him for his perspective on the view that culturally we are less creative than prior. Ha, he didn't like that and firmly rebutted the notion, and there lies the problem. Anyway, all wasn't lost as I was inspired to see what others had to say, and here we are.........

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Wow! This is brilliant and touches on so many things that many are feeling.

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Thanks Jason. I realise it's all rather bleak. My focus at the moment is exploring the remedies — I truly believe we can turn things around.

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Very relevant article : it summarizes a phenomenon e've probably all been witnesses through the time without putting the word on it... Thank you !

I recall this white papier recently published about a company that was pioneer in creativity : Disney. "Restore the Magic" paper highlighted the percent of spin-offs across the year from 14% in 2000 to 67% planned in 2025 ! The creative engine has slowly stopped to work...

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I just found my weirdness reading this.

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For an additioinal view on the decline in innovation, in this case within U.S. companies, see the book "Mass Flourishing" by Nobel Laureate in Economics Edmund Phelps. Phelps uses Total Factor Productivity (Labor and Capital) as the proxy for innovation and shows its decline beginning in the early 1970's and continuing to today.

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